Reacties van ruiters

Hier is een kleine selectie van de reacties die we van de gasten die bij ons verbleven in HorseridingSpain ontvangen hebben. Klik op -> read more en de volledige reactie zal uitklappen. De reacties zijn gelijk aan de reactie pagina op de Engelse website.

"... I feel compelled to write and thank you for the truly wonderful riding holiday I had. As I am sure you can understand, taking a 'busman's' holiday whilst working for an equine charity ( manager of ILPH Norfolk centre / World Horse Welfare ) put extra pressure on me to find a good riding holiday where the welfare of the horses was of paramount importance. Your centre excelled on both counts !

You both have a love and passion for horses in general, and Andalucians in particular, which is infectious. To see so many extremely fit, sound, strong and well shod horses was a breath of fresh air. I know how hard it is to get horses looking and feeling like this so you must take a huge amount of credit for presenting your guests with horses of this calibre.

read more (EN)

The riding frequently took my breath away. I would just think I had seen the best view in Spain and we would turn a corner and see another equally as stunning. The Andalucian Horse Show had me in tears in 30 seconds ! Beautiful. Your hospitality and attention to detail was exemplary and you made us all feel very welcome and special. It was a privilege to ride such happy, contented and responsive horses. You really do deliver all your web site says, and more. Your riding holiday exceeded all my wildest dreams and I will be one of your many returners. Please keep up the good work !"

and her most recent comment after returning to us for the 7th time :

"Even though I have just completed my 7th riding holiday with yourselves (which is testimony to your horses and hospitality in itself!), I just want to thank you both so much for making my various friends so very welcome.

Over the past 6 years I have brought along five different friends and recommended at least another four to visit you. Each and every one has been wowed by your horses, the riding and your hospitality. As you know, several have already returned without me! I always feel totally confident that any one I recommend to visit you will have an amazing time and this has always been the case.

I don't know how you manage to keep your horses so happy, responsive, sound and well in what is a tough line of work for horses at the best of times. Testimony to your great depth of knowledge, love and understanding of horses I feel...........

As always, I am fitter and riding better as a result of my holiday with you last week. It is so nice to be reminded how light and surefooted a horse can be......

Take care and keep up the good work !

Michele and friends."

Reacties van ruiters - 2005 - 2013

"Hei Miranda & Giles, suuret kiitokset ajasta, jonka saimme viettää luonanne! Pelastitte meidän pimeän&sateisen marraskuun viemällä meidät Andalusian auringon alla jokilaaksojen halki kukkuloiden päälle hengästyttävän kauniisiin maisemiin. Upeat, varmajalkaiset, taitavat ja hyvinvoivat hevoset ansaitsevat erityismaininnan, jaksan edelleen ihmetellä miten rauhallisia, helposti ratsastettavia ja eteenpäin pyrkiviä he ovatkaan :) Oli ilo nähdä miten hyvää huolta heistä pidetään (tallit ovat hienoimmat, jotka olen nähnyt), kaikesta paistaa aito välittäminen, niin hevosista kuin vieraista!! Olette nähneet (ja näette edelleen) mielettömästi vaivaa tehdessänne unelmastanne totta ja nyt me ja monet meitä ennen ja jälkeen saavat nauttia teidän kauniista paikasta, upeista hevosista, ammattitaidosta, lämmöstä ja vieraanvaraisuudesta!Taina Kytömaa & Kaisu from Finland Voin lämpimästi suositella teitä kaikille, jotka haaveilevat ratsastuslomasta Espanjan auringon alla <3 Taina "

And same in English :)

" Dear Miranda and Giles, thank you so much for the lovely time we spent with you. You saved us from our dark&rainy November by taking us through river valleys and up the hills showing us the breathtaking landscape of Andalucia. Your gorgeous, skilled and fit horses deserve a special thanks ! I am still amazed how calm, easy to ride and forward going they were :) It was a joy seeing how well taken care of they were and are (your stables are the nicest I have seen), in everything you sense genuine caring, regarding horses and guests!! You have made (and keep making) such an effort in making your dream come true, and now we (and many before and after us) are able to enjoy your beautifull place, great horses, professionalism, warmth and hospitality! I can only recommend you to anyone wanting to spend a lovely & unforgettable riding holiday in Spain <3 love, Taina "
"Hi Giles and Miranda - I just wanted to write and thank you for the most wonderful riding holiday. It was the best riding I've ever done and everything about it was fabulous!!! The horses were superb; you look after them and looked after us all superbly (I am in awe of how hard you work and the exceptional standards you maintain - it makes for the most wonderful and comfortable holiday); the food was absolutely delicious and I thank you for catering so well for my intolerances. Your ranch is lovely and so pretty! My accommodation was great; very comfortable indeed and I love that a few paces from my front door was the pool - very refreshing after a brilliant ride. The weather was just perfect so I feel really lucky and it was great fun with the other people in the group; we all got on really well.

The rides were amazing, great fun and the views were breathtaking - a different route every day meant we got to see the valley from all angles and the best thing was riding out as the sun rose - there is something so peaceful, tranquil and magic about being on horseback and looking out over the valley as the sun comes up over the mountains. It's wonderful to think back to! We saw some truly wonderful things - one of my favourite sights was the silhouettes of two black horses stood by a ruin on top of a hill. That would have been a fantastic photo opportunity if we'd been prepared but didn't have time before they came down to say hello.

The horse show on the Thursday evening was jaw-dropping and great fuKirsty & Lucyn; particularly the six year old girl riding classical dressage. I was in awe! To all other riders - you must go to the horse show; shouldn't be missed!

And of course I had the best time riding the lovely Lucera (Lucy)!!! Two peas me and her. She was an absolute joy to ride and we got on brilliantly! It is such a lovey feeling when you get to the end of the week and you have started to understand each other and get the feel of each other... but then sad of course that you have to say goodbye. Give Lucy a hug and a kiss from me!

I hope you are both well and have had a good couple of weeks riding since I left. Thanks again for the best riding holiday !

Kirsty "
"Thank you for a fantastic week. It has been a privilege to ride your beautiful horses. The food and company has been great. I am very grateful for all that you and Lucy have taught me. Sue Navin x

Thanks for everything you've done - you and the horses all work so hard ! I will always remember my first time riding a Spanish horse, Tío Pepe is just wonderful. I really hope I can come back again one day ! Rachel Navin x

Thanks a lot for a great holiday - a very special time and something I will remember....Sirocco has been a gentleman and very good for developing confidence. All best wishes to you all here. Tony Navin "
"Thank you for your wonderful hospitality over the last week. We have had an excellent holiday and will be telling everyone about it. It was a privilege to ride your beautiful horses and we miss Tormenta and Sirocco already. We have both learnt a lot from you and are looking forward to using that knowledge in our riding from now on.

Thank you again for an unforgettable experience. We will be back and we will sing the praises of the Spanish horse from now on! With love / Kirsten and Pete "
"Thanks for everything again! My holiday was so perfect and you were so kind and hospitable . You take so good care of guests and the most important -horses. I was so impressed that all things were just like the way you promised :-)"
"I would like to say a big thank you, for yet again another fantastic holiday. Great company lovely horses and fab food! (via Facebook)"
"We can't stop talking about our holiday with you ! It was super and we long to return ! I especially miss Chupito ! What a great horse and a super temperament ! How is he ? We wanted to send you this before, but once at home our hectic life took over. Wiel and I often say to each other how wonderful it was. So nice not to have to organise anything, just being able to look around you and enjoy the Spanish countryside and your horse ! We hope you are well and we have made lots of promotion for you ! Thanks again for this tremendous experience with you ! We have fallen in love with theWiel & Dorien v Boekhold Andalucian horse. Lots of love and we will see you again for sure....and a big kiss for Chupito and Gitana !!!!!! "

and in Dutch:

"We hebben het nog geregeld over onze vakantie bij jullie! Het was super en we hebben heimwee! Vooral mis ik Chupito! Wat een geweldig paard en een super karakter! Hoe gaat het met hem? We hadden al veel eerder willen reageren, maar ja eenmaal thuis begint de hectiek weer. Maar Wiel en ik zeggen geregeld tegen elkaar, wat was het geweldig he! Ook fijn dat je niet alles zelf hoeft te regelen, dat je lekker om je heen kunt kijken en genieten van het Spaanse landschap en het paard! We hopen dat het goed gaat met jullie en we hebben al veel reclame voor jullie gemaakt ! Nogmaals bedankt voor de geweldige ervaring bij jullie! Wij zijn helemaal verliefd geworden op de Andalusiër. Heel veel lieve groeten en zeker tot ziens en…… een dikke kus voor Chupito en Gitana!!!!!! "
"Hope you are all having a good week off. I just wanted to e-mail you both to thank you for a brilliant holiday, Shane and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip. You are wonderful hosts and your horses are a credit to you, you paired us all off so extremely well with our mounts for the week.Hopefully we will return one day, we would both like to. Wishing you every success with your business, you deserve it. Take care. "
"I just wanted to write to thank you again for a wonderful weeks holiday in Spain! The horses were amazing and far outlived our expectations. Tormenta was fantastic, such a character, I really did consider smuggling her home with me.Tamsin Watt & Tormenta I also loved Sorroco even if I didn’t ride him myself. Thanks to Giles for the wonderful rides, a different route every day! and to Miranda for such a lovely stay with such warm hospitality and of course the delicious food and Sangria, what a way to complete a day’s riding. One week back at work and it already seems too far away! I’m already thinking of returning this winter.... Thanks again for a wonderful stay and I’m sure we’ll see you again soon!"
"We have had a wonderful holiday with you and really miss Spain, yourselves and the horses ! We are thinking about it every day. Lots of love from us both and a big kiss for Annet v Gelder & GitanaTío Pepe and Gitana !

and in Dutch:

We hebben een heerlijke vakantie gehad en missen spanje, jullie en de paarden echt! Denk er iedere dag wel aan terug. Nou heel veel lieve groetjes van ons en een dikke kus aan tio pepe en gitana!"
"Hi Giles and Miranda, thank you both so much for a perfect break. The horses,hospitality, and location are all exceptional, it was a truly relaxing holiday, that excelled all expectations. You have thought of all those extras, the international company such fun!! Will definitely return :-) "
"I just wanted to thank you both for giving me and my mum the holiday of a lifetime that will always be remembered. We loved everything about our stay with you, but most of all we really felt as if we were staying with family which made me feel so relaxed - something I haven't experienced in a long time. It was most definitely true horsriding at its best !

Everthing about the holiday was perfect and I coudn't put a thing wrong with any of it. Your welcoming presents on the first day made me feel that I was in the right place and your love and care for the horses is amazing. I couldn't wait to start our horseriding together.

I would just like to say a huge thank you for pairing me up with gorgeous Tío Pepe. I fell in love with him as soon as we met on the first day and I learnt so much from riding him and wanted to take him home, I can see why you love him so much Miranda and I think he has a new member to his fan club. !

The Andalucian countryside was breath taking and the different trails that Giles took us on were so much fun to ride on ! The accommodation, the lovely food and your hospitality made me feel right at home and I couldn't have asked for better hosts, as you both were so lovely and welcoming and your dedication and passion definitely showed throughout the stay I had with you.

Well I better say cheerio for now and just say once again thank you so much for giiving us such a wonderful time. We met you as strangers and parted as really good friends and I really hope this is not the last of it. Love from Jadene xxxx "

"We have been showing everyone the photos and film of our stay and there are some very impressed people!!!

Anyway, wont keep you too long, Pam and I just wanted to thank you both, very much, for looking after us and making our riding holiday such a memorable experience.

The very best of luck to you both for the future and we would one day like to meet you again. If we can, we will be over next year......."
"Hi Giles and Miranda, Thank you so much for the best ever riding vacation. Your horses are amazing, so fit and light to ride. The Andalucian scenery is breathtakingly beautiful and trails so tranquil and with plenty of variety. The combination of your super quality horses, your dedication and expertise, hospitality, lovely food and accommodation and the passion on what you are doing makes your place absolutely the one I can recommend from the bottom of my heart :-). The small size of the group gives also the personal touch. Absolutely fabulous! I will definitely come back - Andalucia needs to be experienced like this... (as posted on our Facebook page)"
"Hi Giles and Miranda Hope all well with you and your lovely horses + the assorted other menagerie Just to say a huge 'thank you' for a truly wonderful holiday over New Year. I don't know where to start really A wonderful welcome from you both, superbly fit and well balanced (in every way) horses, hugely beautiful countryside and your hospitality was just fantastic - great food, drink, accommodation and company! You are magnificient hosts - nothing was too much bother and you really do go the extra mile What I loved was that we were in the real Spain - a world apart from the Costas - and the photos and video that you have on both this page and your website are truly a total reflection on the beauty of the surrounding countryside It was for me a unique experience and one which I wish to repeat In particular your really exciting renovation project attracted my eye The 5* star state of the art stabling with that magnificient new apartment that you are creating above will definitely see me return as a visitor again Without wishing to single out any of the horses, I think fondly of the gentlemanly Sirocco, the very sensitive Bolero and the lady of corral, Nieves. As you say - the horses are the holiday - and they are all magnificient.

I'll be back :-) Lots of love Issy xx" (as posted on our FaceBook page) "
"Dear Giles and Miranda,

Thank you very much for the fantastic holiday! You are great hosts, I feel more then comfortable recommending you & I will definitely be back myself.

Love to you all, Elena "
"Hello Sunny Spain ! I trust this E Mail finds you and all your wonderful horses well. Thank you so very much for a lovely holiday – I thoroughly enjoyed it ! Great rides, delicious food combined with a beautiful setting – what more could anyone want? I will be in touch shortly to re-book for Spring to come and see some greenery and the rivers filled (or part filled ) Back to the grindstone now !!"
"Just a quick line to thank you both very much for such a wonderful week and for being such wonderful hosts. A wonderful welcome started what was to be a fun packed week of riding beautiful, well schooled and mannered horses on treks through the stunning Andalucian countryside with great company. Miranda, your cooking is superb! Giles, you picked our horses so well, looked after us all, and I am missing the lovely Tio and the very different Sirocco. Back in the saddle here and feeling weird without those lovely saddles of yours! Am now seriously considering an Andalucian horse to purchase and may well take you up on your advice and expertise to seek a suitable horse over in your area. Thank you both once again for your wonderful hosting and for being so hardworking while we all lazed around the pool ! Hope to return again and may reunite with the same ladies if we can arrange something together. Many, many thanks"
"I just want to thank you once again for the incredible holiday I have just had with you. Although now I am in cooler climes I am most definitely the most relaxed and chilled I have been for a long time. I have attached a few of my photos and yes, Giles, you got some good ones of yourself!! Your horses are all incredible and so well cared for , your love for them all clearly shows. They are all so happy and clearly enjoy the work. Thank you for pairing me with the lovely lovely Tio, miss him already, I learnt so much in my week from Tio and from both of you. Already miss those Giles-ism's!! Thank you also for taking such good care of me,providing me with wonderful food and amazing company. I feel very lucky to have shared a week with you both.

Keep me posted on that amazing Stallion! :)

'We met as strangers and leave as friends' Much love to you and the wonderful horses, big kisses for Tio. Until we meet again........Adele. x "

and she came back with a friend in February 2013:

" I just wanted to thank you again for my second amazing holiday with you. Your hospitality and attention to detail made it truly restful. Again thank you for allowing me to ride such special horses who's willingness to work is incredible. My friend 'Elsie' also had a really great holiday with you despite the unexpected splashing!! You'll have a special place in our hearts for a long time to come and certainly intend to return to your andalucian haven. Much love to Tio, Gitana and all your other amazing horses. Until I return, very best wishes, Adele xx "
"My adventure in Andalusia: About six years ago I decided to stop riding after having ridden pretty much all my life. I was surprised that I seemed to have no more desire to continue. When I was planning my trip to Andalucia with my friend Juul, there was the sudden desire to extend my trip. I had the idea to go riding and the obviouse choice was to ride an Andalucian horse. And so I did. After checking out many places on the internet I opted for HorseRidingSpain in Coín. Why I do not know, probably because I could feel the love for animals shine through. And I was not mistaken. Upon arrival I immediately felt very welcome. The next day the riding started and we left the ranch at 7 am with two other guests and Miranda leading, after first enjoying a short introduction to the horses. So we had the whole morning to enjoy the surroundings, the silence, the warmth and not to forget these incredibly brave horses. The loving care for their horses without going over the top, has touched me. I also really enjoyed the delicious meals prepared by Miranda and Gilles. The attention and care put into the preparation was felt. I would very much like to tell you about the wonderful trips we have made but I choose to say, let yourself be surprised. Miranda and Gilles thank you so much for the wonderful days that I've spent with you and for your kindness. I am so enthused by your passion for these horses that I am convinced that - in the not too distant future - I will enter a new period in my life together with my own Andalucian horse. "

and in Dutch:

" Mijn avontuur in Andalusia. Na bijna mijn hele leven gereden te hebben besloot ik zo'n zes jaar geleden te stoppen met paardrijden. Ik was verbaasd dat ik er ook geen verlangen meer naar leek te hebben. Toen ik echter begin van dit jaar met mijn vriendin Juul besloot naar Andalusia te gaan was daar opeens het verlangen om na deze week er nog een week aan vast te plakken. Toen kwam het idee om te gaan paardrijden. En ja, dan ligt de keuze voor de hand om eens op een Andalusier te gaan zitten. Zo gezegd zo gedaan. Na veel plekken op internet te hebben bekeken koos ik voor Horse Riding Spain in Coin. Waarom dat weet ik niet , waarschijnlijk omdat de liefde voor de dieren al voelbaar was. En daar heb ik me niet in vergist. Bij aankomst voelde ik mij direct erg welkom. De volgende dag vertrokken wij, twee andere gasten, Miranda en ik, na een korte kennismaking met de paarden, om 7.00 uur van de ranch. Zo hebben we de hele morgen mogen genieten van de omgeving, de stilte, de warmte en niet te vergeten van deze ongelofelijke dappere paarden. De zorg voor hun paarden, de liefdevolle doch niet betuttelende manier waarmee ze met hun viervoeters omgaan heeft mij geraakt. Ook heb ik ontzettend genoten van de heerlijke maaltijden die door Miranda en Gilles voor ons werden gemaakt. Aandacht en zorg waren voor mij hierin voelbaar. Ik zou heel veel kunnen vertellen over de prachtritten die we hebben gemaakt echter ik kies ervoor om te zeggen, laat je verrassen. Nogmaals Miranda en Gilles dank voor de heerlijke dagen die ik bij jullie heb gehad en voor het fijne contact. Ik ben zo enthousiast geworden door jullie passie voor deze paarden dat ik ervan overtuigd ben dat ik binnen niet al te lange tijd samen met mijn eigen Andalusier een nieuwe periode in mijn leven in sla. "
"I have just returned from a fabulous weeks holiday at Giles and Miranda's ranch, what an amazing week it was! I was nervous at first being a single rider, but I had no reason to be as I was made to feel so welcome by them, and the other guests Caz, Steve and Hannie were so friendly and fun! I got to ride the beautiful Lucera 'Lucy', and I fell in love with her, she has such a great personality and she was lovely to ride. The rides we did were so great and the scenery is beautiful, we definitely got to see a different side to Spain that I never knew existed, so thank you for opening my eyes to that! I will definitely be returning, the combination of hospitality, food, rides, horses, dogs, cats, swimming pool and weather was just what I needed and I think Giles and Miranda do a fabulous job- thank you both again!!"
"Thanks so very much for a simply superb holiday last week!! Steve and I loved everything – food, horses, accommodation, pool, wine, and the horse show was spectacular! Thanks for the blazing sun, it was so good to have such fantastic weather after dull and dreary England ! Also we met some lovely new friends too! Both Steve and I got something beneficial from our riding experience as well. I have become braver thanks to a few “Giles Moments”! As for Steve, well he is now starting to ride our horses after a few years off !! Look forward to coming back out next year, hopefully early June. Big hugs to you both, and Gitana ! Fondest wishes Caz & Steve xxxx"
"Thank you for the perfect holiday. The hosts great, plenty of lovely food, and the most gorgeous horses. My beautiful horse "Sirocco" was perfect for me a real gentleman. As I am of senior years I was a little apprehensive, but how wrong could I be ! The rest of my party who I had never met before were my best friends by the end of the first day. Thank you again Giles & Miranda for everything,and especially the beautiful "Sirocco". Have a lovely year, miss and luv you all... "
"Just to say a massive thank you for the most perfect holiday ever!Vicky Joy and Harriet Graeme I can't quite find the words to describe what a brilliant time Harriet and I had but it was amazing! Thank you for entrusting Gitana with me, I felt honoured and she truly is a very special mare who I hope has a long and happy life with you all! You both made us feel like part of your family and we were very sad to leave. I have been promised a return visit for my birthday !"
"Giles and Miranda, I would like to thank you once again for a fantastic week !Monique Kroon & Super Thoroughly enjoyed myself and am very proud of myself to have done it ! It had been a little while ago since I had last ridden and I was a little insecure, but for no reason ! The guidance is excellent and the horses are very well trained, but still a horse ! This time I came by myself and I really enjoyed it ! It was fun to be able to share with other people in this way. Thanks also to Carol, Selina and Carla, this week was more than succesful ! Thanks girls from Scotland, hope we meet again ! "

and in Dutch:

" "Giles en Miranda, graag wil ik jullie nogmaals bedanken voor een fantastische week! Heb super genoten, ben enorm trots op mezelf dat ik het gedaan heb! Omdat het toch alweer even geleden was dat ik had gereden, was ik toch wat onzeker. Dat was nergens voor nodig! De begeleiding is uitstekend en de paarden super getraind, maar nog steeds paard! Deze keer kwam ik alleen en dat is prima bevallen! Het was heel leuk om hierdoor juist weer open te staan voor andere mensen. Mede namens Carol, Selina en Carla, is deze week meer dan geslaagd! Thanks girls from Scotland, hope we meet again!" "
"We had a fantastic holiday with Giles and Miranda at their ranch in Coin. The riding was amazing with views to die for. The horses were great, so fit, athletic and surefooted, like four wheel drives. They could show our horses a thing or two!

Giles and Miranda are the perfect hosts; in fact, we have come away from this holiday having gained two new friends, not to mention the odd horse or two we would like to keep! We would recommend this holiday to anyone who shares our love in horses and good company. We very much look forward to returning ! Best wishes. Paul & Kim. "
"Thanks again for your hospitality and we really enjoyed riding your horses !"
" I felt that I must write a short note on behalf of all the 'Northern Ladies' to thank you for making our holiday with you so special last week.

We all thoroughly enjoyed our riding on your exceptional horses; their fitness, suppleness and willingness to do their work are a credit to you, together with the stunning landscape in your area of Andalucia made for an unforgettable riding experience.

Many thanks also for your hospitality and the wonderful meals, I think that the empty plates we returned each evening spoke for themselves as to how much we enjoyed your cooking.

Thank you again for a memorable holiday which I am sure we will remember and recount for many months to come. I certainly felt that we arrived as guests but left as friends "
"Hello Giles and Miranda, I want to thank you for the incredible 4 days I stayed with you. I just returned home in the Netherlands, but I would gladly return to your place tomorrow. I think that I do have a certain amount of experience with regards to riding in the fields, but these days have surpassed that all. Tio Pepe is an amazing horse and so gentle and brave! I’m so proud that we spent 3 days together. Thank you for your trust in me!The nature was beautiful and various, I had a so much fun when we crossed the orange grove. During the ride, I was lucky to have the chance to pick a nice fresh orange. Giles thank you for the adventure I experienced during the ride, I loved the river walk and the canters!After the ride we really enjoyed the lovely drink (I have forgotten the name of it).Thank you both again for your hospitality and the unforgettable days I spent with you. Keep up the good work and we see you next year for sure!"
"Hi Miranda and Giles,this was my first week ever in Spain and it was a remarkable week. I was a little excited to spend a horseback riding vacation, because I have some previous experiences. But now I’m so glad to have spent this holiday with you and the horses. Chilches is an amazing horse, and so brave. Not afraid of any traffic not even when cars and motorbikes drove by. I have enjoyed him a lot. I noticed your passion for the horses and your hospitality was amazing. This was the first time I ever crossed a river with on horseback and that was a lot of fun! Furthermore the nature was beautiful, I have a lot of pictures by now hihihi! I can’t explain how amazing these 4 days have been to me, thank you so much and see you absolutely next year!"
"We spent a fabulous four days enjoying the beautiful countryside, wonderful horses and great hospitality! We couldn't have found a more perfect match with our horses, Lucy and Mexicana - both very good natured and fun rides for experienced riders. We think it speaks volumes about your excellent set up that each person in our group came on a recommendation. We will certainly be recommending you to others and we very much hope to be back again soon. With very best wishes, Laura and Jennie (London, England)"
"Hello dear people. Reading through all the comments, we don't have a lot to add to this. The total picture is completely correct. A great location, beautiful horses. great rides, had delicious food and nice cold wines ! We have sung your praises to everyone who wanted to listen ! We enjoyed immensely and we would like to thank you both, once again, for this fantastic week. We can recommend this to anyone who loves horses and nature, you will be pampered ! Dear Giles & Miranda we will see each other again. Continue your beautiful work and good luck with building the new stables. Big kiss from Eric, Monique, Marjolein, Stanley and Alja from Enschede - Netherlands - October 2011.

Hallo lieve mensen. Als wij al het commentaar zo doorlezen hebben wij hier weinig aan toe te voegen. Het totaalplaatje klopt helemaal. Een heerlijke locatie, prachtige paarden, geweldig mooie ritten, heerlijk gegeten en een lekker koud wijntje! En wat hebben wij jullie al vaak de hemel in geprezen bij een ieder die het maar horen wil ! Wij hebben intens genoten en willen dan ook bij deze jullie, nogmaals, heel erg bedanken voor deze fantastische week. Wij kunnen iedereen die van paard en natuur houd dit van harte aanbevelen, je word echt in de watten gelegd ! Lieve Giles & Miranda, wij gaan elkaar weer zien .Zet jullie prachtige werk voort en veel succes met de verbouwing voor de nieuwe stallen. Dikke kus van Eric, Monique, Marjolein, Stanley en Alja uit Enschede oktober 2011 "
"A unforgettable holiday. I have enjoyed your wonderful, sweet and spunky horses. The good care and calmness you give to the horses was obvious. I have enjoyed the diverse rides, the spectacular views on the Andalucian countryside, I enjoyed the nature....It greatly impressed me how the horses remained so calm in different circumstances such as scooter, cars and lorries driving by, barking dogs and enthusiastic mules. After a beautiful ride the sangría was waiting, not only the sangría, but also the nice garden with swimming pool and apartment completed the picture. Also the horse show in Mijas was impressive and unforgettable. Thanks for everything and see you next year.

Een vakantie om nooit te vergeten. Ik heb genoten van jullie geweldige, lieve en pittige paarden. De goede verzorging en kalmte die jullie aan de paarden gaven was duidelijk zichtbaar.Ik heb genoten van de diversen tochten, het schitterend uitzicht op het Andalusische gebied, ik heb genoten van de natuur....Het maakte grote indruk op mij hoe de paarden zo rustig bleven in omstandigheden, zoals voorbijrijdende scooters, auto’s, vrachtwagens, blaffende honden en enthousiaste muilezels. Na een mooie tocht terug bij de Rancho stond de sangria al klaar, niet alleen de sangria , maar ook de gezellige, knusse tuin met zwembad en het appartement maakte het compleet. Miranda, dank je voor het heerlijke eten wat je iedere dag voor ons hebt gemaakt. Ook de paardenshow in Mijas was indrukwekkend een plaatje om nooit te vergeten. Thanks for everything en tot volgend jaar. "

"The past 10 days on your ranch have been a holiday Nicole, Patrick and myself, we will not easily forget. First of all because it was a long time ago, since we enjoyed a holiday abroad and - more importantly - the combination of relaxation, the quiet environment, adventure and the proximity of horses was VERY successful Adriaan Smeulders & TimAs you know we are always busy with Eventing and Reining and we found the opportunity to explore the countryside from a horse's back the most ideal and fantastic way. Riding in the area where you are is an adventure in itsself and to be able to enjoy this in a relaxed fashion and in great company is certainly worth repeating. I know making a profession of your love for horses means extremely hard work and I can recommend anybody to go and experience it for themselves and book a holiday with you. My deepest compliments for the way you both keep and maintain your horses and more importantly that you love them and not give priority to the commercial side but always put your HORSES FIRST !

Thanks again and hope to see you again soon !!!!! "
" Where do I begin..! What a terrific week I have had made possible by you both. The dedication to both horse & rider's needs are second to none. No wonder dear Sam keeps coming back. Both of you are, along with your horses, really quite exceptional & I have had the honour of sharing a truly amazing week. Excellent food, stunning scenery,wonderful responsive horses & fun company!

Thank you, thank you & thank you again. I truly hope to see you all again next year."
"This was always going to be about the horses!If you have ever held a childhood dream of riding without restrictions, of being at one with your horse and experiencing the wide open spaces, like the notion of a cowboy, then look no further this is the place for you. I have always wanted a riding holiday but have shied away from the idea until a few months ago. I didn’t want to burst my bubble, my expectations were high. I was fearful of the “camel train”. I had seen pictures in other countries of horses plodding one behind the other with a vacant eye and all sense of courage and independence gone from their tired bodies. I did not want to add to their burden. I read and read again all the comments from previous guests of Giles and Miranda. I looked at the beautiful Shakira and my mind was made up. I took the plunge and booked my holiday. Having now experienced a week at Coin I can say in all honesty that it was best horses, best riding, best food, best hosts and best holiday I have ever had. We rode through the forests, up the mountains and through the rivers on horses so honest and trustworthy so sure footed and lithe and more responsive than any horses I have ever ridden before. This was an experience I will never forget and I am eternally grateful to my hosts. When the time came to leave I felt quite tearful, which is something that has never happened to me before on a holiday. I feel I left behind a piece of my heart in that small valley. I want to say a very big thank you to Giles and Miranda for producing such magnificent animals and making my dream come true. Would I go back..................what do you think ! "
"“Ultimate enjoyment”, that is what this horse riding holiday was! Riding the horses was exciting as well as relaxing. We trotted and galloped like real Spanish horsemen. When riding through the amazing landscape we were submerged into Spanish culture. Miranda and Giles are such nice and sociable people. They are always ready to answer any question you have, especially about horses. They are experts in advising you how to spend quality time with their Spanish horses. On top of that, Miranda is an excellent cook! The Andalusian horse show was an unforgettable experience that will inspire you for the rest of your horse-loving life. This holiday has filled me with tremendous passion and endless admiration and love for Spanish horses. I really enjoyed it and I am very much looking forward to my next holiday ! "
"What an amazing riding holiday !! A gentle walk through town, with comfortable trotting and cantering through the forests and hills of the Spanish countryside - all on light and responsive horses! Your horses truly reflect your love and passion for them.

After the rides, the late afternoon lunches were a time to relax and re-live the morning's ride with all the different international members of the group - thanks Miranda for the delicious cooking. We could have easily stayed another week ! Thanks for being such great hosts ! "
"I wanted to say thank you again for providing the setting for a most memorable and hugely enjoyable week. The scenery surrounding your haven in Coin is so incredibly beautiful - and to be riding on horseback through it was quite brilliant. The huge amount of work it must take to keep your horses in such fantastic condition and so willing and happy certainly shows through!"
"We just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you for having us, introducing us to Spanish horses and making our winter stay so FAB. The horses (and dogs and cats!), the accommodation, the location, the chat, the varied and interesting rides, your company, knowledge and kindness - everything was so enjoyable. I don't know how you do it, with what appears to be so little fuss, but you manage to strike just the right balance between complete professionalism and a-bit-bonkers fun. Hat's off to you both. We'd love to come back and will continue to rave on about our Spanish riding experience to anyone who will listen ! (Pict.: Jenny & Kim jumping in the pool fully clothed to win a bottle of wine !)"
"Then in May this year I and some horsey girlfriends made the dream real. We traveled to Andalusia in Spain, specifically the small town of Coin. none of us could anticipate, the little oasis on the edge of the town. Down in a green and fertile valley is Miranda and Giles' horse farm. We were staying in one of the four apartments that belong to the farm. And it was quite a view from the apartment: a white fairy stallion stood in a paddock just outside our window......(a piece taken off a norwegian blogg site, follow below link) Så i mai i fjor gjorde jeg og noen hestevenninner alvor av drømmen. Vi reiste til Andalucia i Spania, nærmere bestemt den lille landsbyen Coin. ingen av oss kunne på forhånd sett for oss den lille oasen midt i landsbyen. Nede i en grønn og frodig dal ligger Miranda og Giles` hestegård. Vi fikk bo i en av de fire leilighetene som tilhører gården. Og det var litt av en utsikt fra leiligheten; en hvit eventyrhingst sto i en paddock like utenfor vinduet vårt. Les mer..... "
" Hei Giles og Miranda!

Vi er nå tilbake i Norge, og jeg er nå istand til å spise og prompe normalt igjen etter den korte matforgiftningen som avsluttet et fantastisk opphold hos dere.

Vi sitter igjen med mangfoldige minner og inntrykk som vi fortsatt må fordøye, men vi er begge enige om det faktum at dere er fantastiske og inspirerende mennesker med en "dyresjel"... Hestene og hvor sensitive og godt grunnridde de er var for meg den størte opplevelsen. Jeg liker ikke å "kjempe" med hester, og deres hester har lært meg at alt man trenger å gjøre er å spørre høflig. Man vil aldri få et ordentlig og helhjerta svar av en hest som blir tvunget til å gjøre noe. Beklageligvis, så er det nettopp det jeg opplever størsteparten av tiden hjemme i Norge. Jeg føler nå at jeg har enda flere verktøy og opplevelser i bagasjen som kan hjelpe meg til å promotere en positiv og myk væremåte rundt hester. Det er så mye mer harmonisk, og både hest og rytter vil få en bedre opplevelse.

Igjen, takk for et fantastisk opphold i det spesielle Andalusiske landskapet, jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale hesteridning i Spania hos dere i Coín, til alle mine hestevenner! God jul!

Mange hilsener fra Malin og Gerhard i det kalde nord. "
"Thank you very much for a most enjoyable week of riding in a very nice and varying environment. My horse ( Super ) was excellent, the weather perfect, the food very good and it was a pleasure to ride with Giles and the other guests"
"Having arrived home in not so sunny Wokingham, I just wanted to say, thankyou so much for a wonderful break. You made Bridget and I feel thoroughly welcome to your little corner of Spain. Your horses are a credit to you, a fabulous combination of excitement on the gallops and being bomb proof in traffic - if only all English horses were the same. Anyway we know where to come for our Spanish horses when we win the lottery."
"Thank you so so much for our riding break once again it was brilliant!!Smile I know all the girls loved it too and we were all really sad to be leaving you, hopefully we'll all be back again next year - if you'll have us??!! "
"Just a quick note to say thanks again for the wonderful week we spent at the Ranch in Nov 09. It feels like a lifetime away and I often find myself day dreaming, wishing I was back with Pepsi in the open countryside. The rides and the scenery were breath taking or heartstopping (that could be the adrenaline though!). Plans are afoot for our next trip and we all can't wait. It really was the experience of a lifetime, the horses are beautiful and we spent the week feeling like part of the family. Miranda, the home cooked meals were lovely and just what we needed after a long days ride. And Giles, don't forget 'dressage is the fundamental of riding'. Hope you like the photos. I will be in touch soon, have a wonderful christmas and we will see you again in the New Year.

Thanks again, Claire, Alys, Becky, Jenny and Frances."
"Us being typical no-nonsense people of the northern part of the Netherlands, we don't believe in fairytales, however after having spent such a beautiful and enchanting horseriding vacation on Miranda & Giles' ranch with their beautiful, energetic but ever so reliable horses, we've become believers!

Really, the hospitality, the superb food prepared by the hosts, the surroundings, the warm "family-feeling", the quality of the horses; everything exceeded our wildest dreams and expectations. So if we're talking about price/quality ratings on a scale from 1 through 10, it comes to a big fat 10 !! Miranda & Giles, we'd like to thank you once again for this super vacation and special horseriding experience.

Greetings from a very happy and satisfied mother and daughter (14), Renée & Mireille "
"We have had a really special week with you, and will take back wonderful memories. The riding has been perfect and the scenery breathtaking. Our enthusiasm for horse riding has most definately been re-fuelled ! The home cooked food has been fabulous, and all the little touches which you have added have been much appreciated; the wine on arrival, the sangria at the end of the ride, having our breakfast delivered, stopping for a drink at the bar, being taken to a horse show - but most of all, your warmth, humour and hospitality. Please thank Fandango also for showing Josie the true meaning of love ! And on a more serious note, through all your hard work, you have created an exceptional place to be..."
"What a fabulous holiday! Thank you both for making our week's stay so special. Wonderful horses, great places to go, excellent hosts, fantastic scenery and weather, cool pool and amazing food! We can't recommend our holiday enough. There is something for everyone in this little Andalucian paradise!"
"A Spanish fairytale on horseback: How could we have imagined the little oasis in the middle of the village “Coin”. Miranda and Giles’ horse ranch is in a green and rich valley, with a spectacular view from our apartment: a fairytale white stallion stands in the paddock just outside our window. Every morning we are served breakfast in the apartment, before we meet for the days highlight: riding in a fantastic natural setting, up steep hills, through rivers, and the beautiful Andalucian countryside. We also experienced that Spanish riding can include bar service on the horseback ! The horses deserve a chapter completely for themselves. They are beautiful, well trained and with Andalucian blood. It is obvious that they are treated well and with respect. Miranda and Giles are dedicated and professional horse people who also take especially good care of their visitors. The atmosphere of the farm is intimate and warm, what’s more Miranda is a great cook, serving us delicious lunches when we come back tired after a long ride. In the afternoon it is wonderful to relax by the pool with a book, a San Miguel, or just listen to the sound of the river passing behind us. This has been a fantastic riding holiday, and an experience for life for all three of us. A Spanish fairy tale on horseback and for all of you considering a good value for money riding holiday, we give our strong and heartfelt recommendation to Giles and Miranda’s horse ranch in Andalucia. "

and in Norwegian:

" Et spansk eventyr på hesteryggen: Ingen av oss kunne på forhånd sett for oss den lille oasen midt i den lille byen Coin. Nede i en grønn og frodig dal ligger Miranda og Giles` hestegård. Hvilken utsikt fra leiligheten; en hvit eventyrhingst står i en paddock like utenfor vinduet vårt. Hver morgen får vi servert frokost på rommet før oppmøte til dagens høydepunkt: Ridetur i fantastisk natur, opp bratte åser, gjennom elever og den vakre andalusiske landsbygda. Vi erfarte at spansk riding også kan inkludere barbesøk med servering på hesteryggen. Hestene er et kapittel for seg selv. De er vakre og veltrente med andalusisk blod, sympatiske og pålitelige. Det er tydelig at hestene behandles godt og med respekt. Miranda og Giles er engasjerte og dyktige hestefolk som også tar godt vare på gjestene sine. Atmosfæren på gården er intim og varm og Miranda er en super kokk som serverer oss deilig hjemmelaget spansk lunsj når vi er slitne etter lange rideturer. På ettermiddagene er det herlig å slappe av ved bassenget med en bok og en San Miguel eller bare ligge og lytte til elvesuset. Dette har vært en fantastisk rideferie og en opplevelse for livet for oss alle tre og for dere som vurderer rideferie i utlandet vil vi anbefale rideferie i Spania hos Miranda og Giles på det varmeste. "
"Just a quick email to say thank you very much for your hospitality and for giving us the best holiday we've had in a long time!! Everyone at home was very jealous hearing about our week! The horses were wonderful and the food was fantastic, we hope to see you again soon!!

Thank you again, say hello to Pepsi, Super and Cheeky from us!"
"A quick note to thank you both for an absolutely wonderful time this week. Shelagh and I both enjoyed ourselves immensely - the horses were fantastic, your company as hosts superb and the rides truly magnificent! We are both very keen to return and although we said this would be next April, we both don't think we can wait that long. So, do you have availability in August this year....?"
"I came back to Japan. It's very cold.

I miss the hot weather in Coin, of course you and your horses, especially the beautiful white horse Chilichess(?) - I don't know the spelling of the horse I was riding-

I had a pleasure time at your ranch with you. Thank you for the wonderful trail- stream at walk, slope hills at trot and canter while looking at extending the fields of olive and the village of white color at the foot of the hill. There is a beautiful scenery there. I felt refreshed.

Thanks for your hospitality."
"I know its late but thank you for our lovely holiday in July 2009 we had such a great time ! The riding was fabulous I keep looking at the pictures and I really want to come back!! I loved all the horses and thought the rides were so good! Mum and Dave said it was their best holiday ever - they had a lovely time even when they wasnt riding. "

"I enjoyed my rides on Super and indeed the Andalucian countryside. The care of your horses was very good and they were willing fit and strong........ It would be good to visit again in the future, but meanwhile we wish you the best of success with your business and every happiness. "
"Thank you for the lovely holiday we had with you – you were such perfect hosts and your horses so fit and willing. I really enjoyed riding Sirocco and the dun mare whose name I have forgotten! I have so many happy memories of our stay at your Rancho. Thank you again for making our holiday with you both so enjoyable."
"Our 9th fantastic annual riding holiday......and we are counting the days till next Easter!"
" Missing you, the horses, the dogs, and the blue skies. Thanks so very much for giving up your maintenance week for my 9th holiday with you. When I first came out in 2002, not having ridden for a while, did you ever imagine that I'd get the bug so bad?

Since then, as you know, 'the bug' has taken me on riding holidays in Canada, Uruguay, and Ecuador, however I've never been the type to repeat holidays to the same location so It's an absolute credit to you and your fantastic horses that I keep coming back again and again. I'm amazed that after all this time you still manage to find spectacular new areas to ride that I've not been to before, and new culinary delights to serve up. You are very special people with whom I share the love of horses, dogs, food, wine and the beautiful Spanish countryside. See you again in the autumn. "
"I felt i needed to write and let you know how wonderful my trip to coin was! i must start by saying this is the most relaxing and stunning holiday i have ever been on and i have been some places!!! are only worry was making sure we got are flight from the UK.......

Miranda was like a big sister to both sarah and i, the best cook ever, looking after are every need making sure we had everything we could ever want or need, with the best sence of humour i haven't laughed so much for a very long time (my tummy and cheeks both ached most of the week), miranda you deserve a medal for all your hard work or flowers every week!!!! Giles well Giles what can i say he's great!!! Giles also is very very funny, like a cheeky teenager at times he had both sarah and i curled up in laughter with his tale's and stories of what he's been upto in life... Giles works hard to make sure are horses are all happy, fit, well and turned out beautifully for our rides.

Enough about are perfect hosts let me tell you about the four legged family! Lilly, linky, Sam, Seilah and Sasha for those people who have dogs at home and miss your cuddles any of these 5 are more then willing to step in, they all love a tummy tickle and cuddle (unfortunately they wouldn't fit in are suit cases so we had to leave them there!) and those of you who are missing your cat that post is also filled by the resident felines.

Saving the best part till last the horses! so well behaved, beautiful, sure footed, calm, in perfect health, safe and sooooo chilled compared to my normal mounts i would swap mine any day..... don't get me wrong when you want them to go they will yeee haaaa....... i loved it all so so much from taking a trip into town, two tall blond young lady's who can't speak a word of spanish, all we needed is to smile, point at what we wanted and say thank you ALOT!!!! Spanish lessons are on there way now im home....

So to sum up my trip to Coin " PERFECT" i would recommend it to any one and everyone, if you work with horses and think it's not really a holiday if your still around horses think again! It's like trying something new but still being slightly familiar

Sarah and i will be back thats a promise not a threat.... ha ha ha !! "
"Thank you once again for a fabulous holiday experience, everything worked perfectly for us, the horses were fantastic and a credit to both of you.......Good luck for the rest of the year ! The Fergies."
"Our week long "riding camp" exceeded all our expectations! After riding in the mountains and rivers for a week, on the beautiful Spanish horses, the sun shining, we felt like we had been on holidays for much longer. The package was completed by our great, caring hosts, tasty meals and wine and relaxation by the pool. There was also a nice amount of free time to do some explorations in the region on our own. The best part were, of course, the horses: beautiful, filled with personality and good energy. I took home a dream of an Andalucian beauty of my own...! The dressage specialists in our "team" were quite impressed by their sure footed and courageous mounts. Fabulous animals, and very well taken care of ! "

and in Finnish:

"The Finnish girls

Viikko "tätien ratsastusleirillä" ylitti kaikki odotukset! Kiipeiltyämme viikon vuoristossa, ja kahlailtuamme joissa upeiden espanjanhevosten selässä, auringon paisteessa tuntui siltä kun olisi ollut lomalla pidempäänkin. Paketin täydensivät mukavat, huolehtivaiset emäntämme ja isäntämme, herkulliset ateriat viineineen ja rentoutuminen pihan uima-altaalla. Ohjelmassa oli sopivasti luppoaikaa käydä tutustumassa seutuun myös omin päin.

Parasta antia olivat tietysti ihanat, reippaat ja persoonalliset hevoset - kotiinviemisiksi jäi haave omasta andalusialaisesta kaunokaisesta...! Porukkamme kouluratsastajat olivat varmajalkaisista ja rohkeista ratsuistaan varsin innoissaan. Upeita tapauksia, ja todella hyvässä hoidossa ! "
"Just a quick note to say thank you for looking after me, making me feel so welcome and telling me such a lot about Spanish horses. I had a lovely week thoroughly enjoyed your company and I hope to be back next year with a very proficient canter and gallop !"
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my holiday one that I will never forget !! Your horses are the best I have ever ridden, the views you promised were wonderful and breathtaking but most of all you made me feel not like a guest more like a friend staying with friends .I will be looking forward to see you next year !!."
"First of all may we thank you for a wonderful time spent with you last week,The riding was fantastic,the accommodation was fantastic,and you two are brilliant. We felt so at home staying with you. And we would like to return in November for a week for Lynda's birthday"
"Thank you so much for a fantastic holiday and see you next year! "
"I wanted to write and thank you for a fantastic holiday I just had with you. It was my first horse riding holiday and it exceeded all my expectations. The horses were fantastic and very well behaved, especially Nikita!! The rides each day were very enjoyable and the views were absolutely stunning everywhere I looked. The accomodation was great and the food delicious. You really are great hosts. All in all I had a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday and I hope to come back soon. "
"I know that Jill as a seven times serial offender (along with her sisters Rose and Martha) of trips to your place will not mind if I write on behalf of both us to thank you for our most recent visit. In coming to your ranch Jill has clearly found for herself a very special friendship in you two which she values very highly and an annual event that has become almost a pilgrimage in her very busy calender; this year I was very privileged to have shared it with you all.

read more (EN)

As you now know, I have been exceptionally fortunate to have spent almost all of my life travelling to wild and astonishingly beautiful places, often in the pursuit of extreme adventure alongside like minded people; consequently you will understand that to deliver a travel experience satisfying all of the elements required to fulfil and inspire me is no mean feat. A combination of your obvious shared passion and tireless dedication to the training and welfare of your horses, your clear connection to the very heart of Andalusian culture and the patient, honest and enduring partnership you share with each other and which you so generously extend with such ease to your guests, has more than met the challenge.

Of course it is all about the horses and then about the rides. Given that I have currently spent considerably more actual time in skydive free-fall than I have on the back of a horse, it is to the credit of your patient guidance, matching of horse and rider and the quality of Pepsi's training that have enabled me to experience the speed and magic of cantering along rivers and through mountain forests, confidently enjoying the whole experience. Also, watching Jill ride Supersticio with such stylish pose and real delight brings as much of a return for me as it most clearly does for her; I have never seen her more complete.

As a life long Falconer I would like to think that I perhaps have something of an affinity with animals that require a gentle soul to secure their confidence and a confident hand to assure application and that perhaps I am able to judge it in others. Watching the both of you with your horses (not to mention the rest of the menagerie!), your care and attention to their welfare and the patient application to their sound, hard earned fitness and assuredness, carefully allowing the horses themselves retain the great individual character and the exciting, responsive nature of their Andalusian lines was incredibly humbling. If I thought for a moment it was possible to extract you from the paradise of your ranch for even one day, I would love to have you come and fly my Falcons. Perhaps one day we will all travel to Mongolia and fly eagles from horse back on the great plains of the Siberian Steps!!?

Finally, as hosts . . . . . . you are shockingly hospitable, as friends . . . . . . .you are most dear. "
"End of October, beginning November 2007 we stayed a week at your ranch. It was a fabulous week !

Every morning our hostess, Miranda, brought a nice breakfast to our apartment. What a luxury ! An hour later we reported to the beautiful and very well kept horses. For us Dutch people, it was very different to ride through such hilly countryside over hard going terrain. But our host Giles gave us some very useful tips. Besides we soon realised that our horses knew nothing else and our trust in them became soon overwhelming. The horses proved to be dependable, brave and very obedient. Every day Giles or Miranda took us somewhere else. During the breaks we enjoyed the lovely sandwiches and a spectacular view. The diversity of the countryside never ceased to amaze us. After each ride we could go and relax and enjoy the poolside terrace whilst devouring a great home made meal cooked by Miranda. We felt truly spoilt. Naturally we also explored Coín. It's a lovely town where tourism is not yet prominent, but with lots of streetside café's, shops and bars and 2 internet café's (an hour internet doesn't even cost one Euro !). People from Coín are friendly and helpful. We also visited Malaga and Marbella. The bus stop is very near the ranch and there is a regular bus service. The weather was gorgeous so we even got to go to the beach. The horses, the rides, the location and certainly the great atmosphere and humor of the charming host and his wife made this holiday unforgettable. We are certainly planning to come back another time (or more times) ! "
"I just wanted to write and say thank you to you both (and Supersticioso of course !) for such a fantastic holiday - was it really only the week before last ?! I can honestly say it was even better than I had hoped for when I was looking at your website and dreaming ! You are great hosts, and your love of horses showed in every one of those beautiful animals on the ranch. I feel privileged to have been allowed to ride that lovely boy Supersticioso, and I spend far too much time at work daydreaming and looking at my photos !!...."
"Just a note to express our heartfelt thanks for our wonderful holiday the other week. I know you get a lot of praise for what you provide, and I can only add that that praise is more than justified and well earned. As the rider, I must add my admiration for all your horses. What a pleasure to ride such well behaved, forward going horses. I know very well what work has gone into them to produce that quality of animal. I just hope I did them justice ! That week was an ambition that I had had for a long time. You made an old man very happy ! Jenny & I hope we will be able to return soon health and pension willing. Once again very many thanks for everything - horses, food, accommodation and company. We hope the rest of the season treats you well."
"Thank you for the wonderful week that we spent with you last week. We both had a fantastic time. We have many memories, from being met at the airport by a strange man (your lovely taxi driver) saying "I am Miranda"!! to our dinner on the final evening, but most of all we will remember your hospitality and your amazing horses. You both work really hard and your horses are a credit to you. We enjoyed all our rides but most of all the ride on Wednesday with Miranda and the one on Thursday with Giles and Asleigh where we were cantering and galloping along the river. We would love to return (if you will have us) and perhaps bring some friends….. "
"I can't actually put into words how much I enjoyed my stay with you last week. I've read through your website and I would only be repeating what other people have written in your comments site. There is not much more that I can add but just to say that for me and I'm sure Anna feels the same, it could not have been a more perfect week.

We were so lucky with the weather and with the scenery, birds and spring flowers made it heaven on earth! I don't mean to sound so dramatic as you seemed a little uncomfortable with too much praise but believe me when I say that you both gave each of us a feeling that we are personal friends of yours and are individuals, not just paying clients who change every week.

You have got the balance just right, so please try and keep it that way until I can save up enough to come again! I'll try not to keep on too much but once again, thank you all so much for a wonderful week, (I'm filling up again as I write this!) The whole experience was an emotional as well as physical adventure for me, getting to know yourselves and your special horses. "
"...finally we want to thank you for a wonderful riding tour at your ranch...we had a great time and are looking forward to coming again !!!! "
"...I don't usually write to an unknown entity at a magazine, but my husband and I had a riding vacation in Spain this September. This was to be a surprise for my birthday and he (not being a rider), with some trepidation, chose your magazine to explore potential riding vacations in Europe.

Over a number of months he gathered information on different riding holidays and eventually decided on a week at Rancho Huerta del Batán in Coín. We were both a bit nervous about the choice, me particularly as I didn´t want the usual 'Tourist' experience, but really wanted to ride as much as possible.

We were enormously fortunate in our choice - We had a wonderful week with Giles and Miranda who couldn´t have been more hospitable. When they found out it was my birthday, they had an extra special dinner set up for us. Even more important, their horses are clearly well loved and exceedingly well cared for ! It truly was the best riding experience of my life and we also felt we had made good friends..."
"...Just a few lines to say THANK YOU so very much for a really wonderful week. I enjoyed, the horses, the food, the wine, the apartment, the pool, the sunshine, the horse show...EVERYTHING !!!!

Thank you both for being so caring, genuine and making us all really feel at home. Thanks for all the tips with the washing, grooming and feeding the horses, I hope I will visit you again next year..."
"...Thanks again for the fantastic holiday you gave me last week...see you again soon!..."
"Great horses, food, drink, accommodation and company, if you want a fun chilled week in good company go and stay with Giles and Miranda – everything else a bonus! Will be back for more! "
"...Thank you again for another fantastic week at the Ranch, we can't wait to be back for our 5th holiday with you !!"
"Thank you both for another fantastic week, we had a brilliant time .........we came to you in January and loved it so much, we re-booked and had another superb week with you in May...........and now hope to be back with you around Christmas time.......Thank you !"
"Thank you again for giving us a wonderful week - did you mean it when you said we could come back - we will clean the horses every day and even laugh at your jokes Giles ! Could you deal with us for a third year ! Please ?!"
"I want to thank you both for a great week ! It was really amazing to see how everything was organised...perfect rides, even better horses and of course your great hospitality contributed to such a nice week..."
"...each year gets better than the last..."
"...yet another wonderful family riding holiday at your Ranch..."
"...Thank you for a very successful trip to Spain thanks to the wonderful accommodation, enthusiastic hospitality and great company. I did not know what to expect but I can assure you that it was a rich and very pleasant experience to pass a week in your and your horses' company..."
"Thank you so much for such a fantastic time last week. Mike & I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I can honestly say that the 4 days we spent with you were probably the best holidaywise time I've had for as long as I can remember. You were great with Mike and Madonna was a perfect choice, he is completely hooked (not that he'd admit it openly!). I'm having Pepsi withdrawal symptoms, she was fabulous and such a character please put her on the next flight so she can become a very pampered pet.

Without sounding too gushing, we really had the most wonderful time, and you were both great hosts. You should be very proud of your set up - you've got it spot on..! The horses are a credit to your knowledge and horsemanship. Well Done!…."
"….I just wanted to let you know that we had an absolutely fantastic holiday with you. It was better than we could have hoped. Everything about it was perfect……"
"……Soon our holiday with you will seem like a dream……"
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